

Are You Ready to Apply?

Applying to a health professions program-- can be challenging, and it is much easier to go through the process with a guide. HPAC can aid you in making the tough choices about careers and schools, and help you navigate the sometimes complicated application and admissions process.

Are You Applying to Medical, Dental, or Pharmacy School or other health professions program this year?
  • Our advisors can review your application and personal statements after attending our Application and Personal Statement Workshops.
  • Call to schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member prior to submitting your application.
Did you Know?
  • Submitting your application late can be disadvantageous as many schools have a rolling admissions process.
  • Applicants do not always begin their professional degree programs immediately after completing their undergraduate degree.
  • The cost of applying to medical schools can vary from $2,000 to over $5,000, though in certain circumstances those unable to pay the fee may apply for a waiver of some fees. For example: Regular registration for MCAT - $300; AMCAS fee for 1 school - $160, each additional school is $37. If an average applicant applies to 15 schools then the AMCAS fee will be $678. The application fee for a secondary application ranges from $50 - $100. At an average rate of $75 for 15 schools will total $1125. The cost for travel for interviewing at each school will vary greatly depending on the number and locations. Additionally, many students complete test prep courses which can average in cost between $1500 - $2000.

How I Prepared for the MCAT Exam

Read study tips and approaches used by UCR students who performed well on the MCAT exam. Featured students share study schedules, strategies, and do's and don'ts that helped them prepare and perform well on the exam.  Additional AAMC MCAT prep tips from successful test-takers can be found here!

COVID-19 Resources for Applicants 

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